
Cultivating testators, individuals who include a charity in their wills, holds immense importance for charitable organizations. These planned gifts, often sizable and transformative, provide long-term financial stability and enable charities to pursue their mission even after a donor’s passing. It grants charities the ability to plan strategically, invest in sustainable projects, and expand their impact. By nurturing relationships with potential testators, charities can educate them about the organization’s work, showcase their positive influence on society, and demonstrate how their legacy will live on through their contributions.

However, talking about the “last gift” can be a touchy subject with your contacts, and is better done one-on-one, or at least through highly personalized campaigns. For the same reason, it is important to clearly identify potential testators in the database and nurture them appropriately.

Based on advanced predictive analytics, our testator scoring model allows us to identify the most appropriate targets in your list of existing contacts, based on their demographics and past behaviors, allowing you to focus on the right target, with the right message.

Of course, if you subscribe to our Decisive System 360° package, the testator scores are updated during each update as well.

Testator scoring

One-off scoring of your database
  • Testator scoring

Decisive System 360°

Full, year-round solution to control and optimize your fundraising
  • Dashboard (incl. end-of-year forecasts)
  • Donor potential scoring
  • Monthly donor scoring
  • Middle donor scoring
  • Testator scoring
  • Strategic diagnostic, including:
  • Diagnostic
  • Segmentation study
  • Loyalty study
  • Lifetime value analysis
  • Five-year forecasts
  • Monthly donor analysis
  • Multi-channel analysis